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Table 5 Relationship between eGFR and reversion to normoglycemia in patients with IFG in different models with competing risk of progression to diabetes

From: Association between estimated glomerular filtration rate and reversion to normoglycemia in people with impaired fasting glucose: a 5-year retrospective cohort study


Model I (SHR, 95%CI, P)

Model II (SHR, 95%CI, P)

Model III (SHR, 95%CI, P)


1.012 (1.011, 1.014) < 0.0001

1.009 (1.008, 1.010) < 0.0001

1.008 (1.006, 1.009) < 0.0001

eGFR Quartile







1.063 (1.004, 1.125) 0.0353

1.024 (0.967, 1.084) 0.4138

1.010 (0.954, 1.070) 0.7295


1.188 (1.124, 1.255) < 0.0001

1.114 (1.053, 1.178) 0.0002

1.072 (1.012, 1.134) 0.0171


1.619 (1.537, 1.706) < 0.0001

1.417 (1.342, 1.496) < 0.0001

1.311 (1.239, 1.388) < 0.0001

P for trend

 < 0.0001

 < 0.0001

 < 0.0001

  1. Model I: we did not adjust other covariates
  2. Model II: we adjust BMI, gender, SBP, family history of diabetes, DBP, smoking and drinking status
  3. Model III: we adjust gender, SBP, BMI, DBP, BUN, FPG, TG, AST, LDL-c, ALT, family history of diabetes, HDL-c, smoking and drinking status
  4. SHR subdistribution hazard ratios, CI confidence, Ref. reference