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Table 3 Symptoms scores and quality of life scales

From: Bronchiectasis in renal transplant patients: a cross-sectional study



n = 19


n = 23

P value

Severity score


2 (1–3)

2 (1–3)



2 (0–3)

3 (1–4)


Symptoms score


  Cough symptom

75 (50–100)

42 (17–58)


  Cough impact

82 (56–100)

50 (25–81)


  Sputum symptom

75 (50–100)

50 (33–67)


  Sputum impact

88 (71–100)

75 (38–83)



  Anxiety (mean)

7 (3–10)

7 (3–10)


  Depression (mean)

6 (2–7)

6 (2–8)


Quality of life scales


  Total score

38 (1–58)

38 (22–61)


 MOS SF-36

  Global physical score

36 (24–43)

36 (24–50)


  Global mental score

27 (5–47)

28 (16–44)


  1. Data are expressed as median (25th or 75th percentiles). p-value < 0.05 are considered as significant and highlighted in bold
  2. IB patients with idiopathic bronchiectasis, RT-B patients with renal transplantation and bronchiectasis
  3. CASA-Q: Cough And Sputum Assessment Questionnaire score assessing impact of cough and sputum production on daily activities, ranging from 0 to 100, with the highest score corresponding to a better quality of life; HAD: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD: a score between 0 and 7 for anxiety or depression domain meant no trouble, 8–10 suspected troubles, 11–21 confirmed trouble; SGQR: St George’s respiratory questionnaire (SGRQ) assessing symptoms and impact on daily activities with a score ranging from 0 to 100, that indicates the maximum impairment of quality of life; MOS SF-36: Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 health survey, a multidimensional generic scale evaluating health status regardless of causal disease, sex, age, and treatment. A Physical Composite Score and a Mental Composite Score was calculated. A score of 100 indicates no impairment of quality of life [24]
  4. aFACED score incorporates five variables: forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) % predicted, age, chronic colonization by P. aeruginosa, extension of bronchiectasis by radiological assessment, and dyspnea
  5. bE-FACED score also includes the occurrence of exacerbations in the previous year