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Fig. 1 | European Journal of Medical Research

Fig. 1

From: CD133 significance in glioblastoma development: in silico and in vitro study

Fig. 1

In silico investigation on CD133 significance in GBM. A CD133 expression in GBM and non-tumoral tissues; CD133 expression is upregulated in tumoral (T) tissues compared to normal (N) tissues. B CD133 (PROM1) expression level is not significantly associated with the overall survival of primary GBM patients. C CD133 (PROM1) expression is not significantly associated with the disease-specific survival of primary GBM patients. D The correlation between CD133 and the specific genes of the PI3K/Akt and MAPK pathways. The radar chart represents the correlation coefficient between the studied genes with CD133 in tumor bulk analysis of GBM tissues. E Gene interactions based on GeneMANIA. F Gene interactions based on STRING. PROM1 is the gene symbol name of CD133

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