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Table 3 Unweighted logistic regression analysis on the association between LE8 score and PSD in sensitive analysis

From: Associations between Life’s Essential 8 and post-stroke depression and all-cause mortality among US adults


Model I

Model II

OR [95% CI]

P value

OR [95% CI]

P value

Continuous LE8 score (per 10 points increase)

0.66 (0.58,0.74)

 < 0.001***

0.68 (0.59,0.78)

 < 0.001***

High CVH (80–100)



Moderate CVH (50–79)

2.84 (1.02,11.87)


4.51 (1.23,15.62)


Low CVH (0–49)

6.60 (2.35,27.65)


8.89 (2.37,31.02)


  1. Data are presented as OR (95% CI). Model I: unadjusted model. Model II adjusted for age, sex, race, education levels, marital, poverty income ratio, DM, coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, COPD and viral hepatitis
  2. LE8 Life’s Essential 8, PSD post-stroke depression, CVH cardiovascular health, DM diabetes, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  3. ***P value < 0.001, **P value < 0.01, *P value < 0.05