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Table 1 Numbers of patients with plasma HIV-1 RNA concentration < 50 copies/ml at each study visit, by reason for switch to TDF/FTC (n (%))

From: Switch from a ZDV/3TC-based regimen to a completely once daily (QD) regimen of emtricitabine/tenofovir DF fixed dose combination plus a third QD agent (SONETT)

Reason for switch of therapy


Side effects* (N = 19)

Simplify regimen (N = 26)

Both (N = 6)

Total (N = 51)

Week 4

18 (95)

25 (96)

5 (83)

48 (94)

Week 12

19 (100)

23 (88)

5 (83)

47 (92)

Week 24

19 (100)

20 (77)

4 (67)

43 (84)

Week 36

18 (95)

18 (69)

3 (50)

39 (76)

Week 48

15 (79)

21 (81)

4 (67)

40 (78)

  1. * Side effects most commonly reported were: gastrointestinal disorders (n = 12), lipodystrophy (n = 7) and anaemia (n = 3)