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Table 2 The data of blood loss, length of stay and VAS early postop between two groups

From: Application of transiliac approach to intervertebral endoscopic discectomy in L5/S1 intervertebral disc herniation


Blood loss (ml)

Length of stay (d)

Preoperative VAS

Immediate postoperative VAS

Group I

14 (11, 17)

5 (4, 5)

8 (7, 9)

2 (1.5, 2.5)

Group R

15 (8, 19)

4 (4, 5)

8 (7, 8)

1.5 (1, 2.5)

Intergroup comparison

p = 0.866

p = 0.517

p = 0.641

p = 0.583