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Table 1 Patient’s clinical characteristics

From: Ultrasonic evaluation of muscle functional recovery following free functioning gracilis transfer, a preliminary study


Mean ± SD / N (%)




32 (91.43)


3 (8.57)

Age, years

30.40 ± 8.40

Follow-up period, month

19.11 ± 6.51

Muscle strength (M)

3.26 ± 0.89

Muscle strength group

 M < 4

17 (48.57)

 M ≤ 4

18 (51.43)


1.23 ± 0.15


1.22 ± 0.13

Relation between CR1 and CR2

 CR1 > CR2

20 (57.14)

 CR1 ≤ CR2

15 (42.86)


1.00 ± 0.14

MBR group

  > 1

18 (51.43)

  ≤ 1

17 (48.57)


73.66 ± 27.39

  1. CR contraction ratio, MBR muscle bulk ratio, ROM range of motion
  2. CR1 was the post-transplant CR value, while CR2 was the pre- transplant CR value