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Table 1 Outcome definitions

From: A fresh look at the role of spiramycin in preventing a neglected disease: meta-analyses of observational studies




Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT)

Transmission of Toxoplasma gondii from mother-to-child

All infected mothers

Mortality (pre- and post-natal) excluding elective terminationsa

Includes toxoplasmosis-associated spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and postnatal infant deaths

All infected fetuses/children

All serious/severe sequelae and all mortality (pre- and post-natal)

Includes serious/severe sequelae and all mortality (all toxoplasmosis-associated terminations, miscarriages, stillbirths, and infant deaths within the first year of life)

All infected mothers

All infected fetuses/children

All mild/moderate/severe sequelae and infant mortality (postnatal)

Includes postnatal mild/moderate/severe sequelae and toxoplasmosis-associated infant mortality; excludes terminations and stillbirths

All infected live-born children

  1. aElective terminations are terminations of pregnancy that have been decided upon after suspected or confirmed diagnosis of toxoplasmosis