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Fig. 6 | European Journal of Medical Research

Fig. 6

From: Inhibitory activities of vitamins K2 against clinical isolates of quinolone-resistant and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (QR-MRSA) with different multi-locus sequence types (MLST), SCCmec, and spa types

Fig. 6

Dendrogram derived from MLST patterns, SCCmec and spa types showing the relatedness of S. aureus isolated in Iran, Hamadan. The cluster analysis was performed using the MEGA 6 software and based on the neighbor-joining algorithm with 1,000 bootstrap replications. The bar indicates 5% sequence diversity. MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MDR multidrug-resistant, XDR extreme drug resistance, GEN gentamycin, ER erythromycin, TET tetracycline, CIP ciprofloxacin, GAT gatifloxacin, NOR norfloxacin, LIZ linezolid, RIF rifampin, OFL ofloxacin, P penicillin, CL clindamycin. A maximum-likelihood tree and MLST analysis, presence of efflux pump genes, and SCCmec caste. Red indicator: antibiotic-resistant, green indicator: antibiotic sensitive, and yellow indicator: semi-resistant

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