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Table 2 Clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients with and without hypertension

From: Clinical outcomes in COVID-19 among patients with hypertension in the Philippine CORONA Study





(n = 3647)

(n = 7234)


COVID-19 severity at nadir


 < 0.001

Mild, n (%)

1714 (47.6%)

4976 (69.6%)


Severe/critical, n (%)

1888 (52.4%)

2173 (30.4%)


In-hospital mortality

874 (24.0%)

828 (11.5%)

 < 0.001

Time to in-hospital mortality in days, median (IQR)

16 (14)

14 (12)

 < 0.001

Respiratory failure, n (%)

1005 (27.6%)

603 (8.3%)

 < 0.001

Time to respiratory failure in days, median (IQR)

5 (4)

5 (4)


Duration of MV in days, median (IQR)

13 (13)

12 (11)


MV dependence ≤ 5 days, n (%)

131 (13.0%)

87 (14.5%)


MV dependence > 5 days, n (%)

873 (87.0%)

515 (85.5%)


Admitted to ICU, n (%)

1122 (30.8%)

618 (8.5%)

 < 0.001

Time to ICU admission in days, median (IQR)

5 (4)

4 (4)


Length of ICU stay in days, median (IQR)

15 (13)

15 (11)


ICU stay ≤ 7 days, n (%)

172 (15.3%)

100 (16.2%)


ICU stay > 7 days, n (%)

950 (84.7%)

518 (83.8%)


Length of hospital staya in days, median (IQR)

14 (10)

13 (8)

 < 0.001

Hospital stay ≤ 14 days, n (%)

2058 (56.4%)

4519 (62.5%)

 < 0.001

Hospital stay > 14 days, n (%)

1589 (43.6%)

2715 (37.5%)


Neurologic presentation or complication, n (%)

1084 (29.7%)

1207 (16.7%)

 < 0.001

Neurologic outcomeb


 < 0.001

Full/partial neurologic recovery, n (%)

700 (81.8%)

939 (89.5%)


No recovery, n (%)

156 (18.2%)

110 (10.5%)

  1. MV mechanical ventilation; COVDI-19 coronavirus disease 2019; ICU intensive care unit; IQR interquartile range
  2. aDerived from overall length of stay for patients who were never admitted to ICU; excludes length of ICU stay for those who were admitted in the ICU
  3. bPatients with recorded data for neurologic outcome (n = 1905)