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Table 1 Statistical analysis of malignant IOBB during DC in patients with severe TBI and concomitant SDH

From: Acute subdural haematoma exacerbates cerebral blood flow disorder and promotes the development of intraoperative brain bulge in patients with severe traumatic brain injury

  1. (1) Sex; (2) age; (3) preoperative GCS score; (4) concomitant multiple contusions and lacerations in bilateral brain tissue; (5) concomitant SAH or intraventricular haemorrhage; (6) bilateral basilar cistern compression and disappeared; (7) SDH thickness; (8) ICP value before DC
  2. DC: decompressive craniectomy; GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale; ICP: intracranial pressure; IOBB: intraoperative brain bulge; SAH: subarachnoid haemorrhage; SDH: subdural haematoma; TBI: traumatic brain injury