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Table 1 Periodontal and dental parameters.

From: Periodontal status of HIV-infected patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy compared to HIV-therapy naive patients: a case control study




Distance between the gingiva and the bottom of the periodontal sulcus, expressed in millimeters


Distance between the gingiva and enamel-cemetum-junction, expressed in millimeters


Addition of PPD and GR


Classified in increasing order of inflammation (grade 0-5), based on the strength of bleeding after gentle probing of the gingiva


0 = healthy gingiva; no bleeding


1 = edematous, reddened gingiva; no bleeding


2 = bleeding without flow


3 = bleeding with flow along gingival margin


4 = copious bleeding


5 = severe inflammation, marked redness and edema, tendency for spontaneous bleeding


Divided into five codes and estimates the clinical parameters of plaque, bleeding and pocket depth.


Code 0 = colored area of the probe remains visible in all the pockets of the sextant. No calculus and no defective margins on restorations. No bleeding is evident on probing.


Code 1 = similar to Code 0, but bleeding is detected on probing.


Code 2 = calculus, above or below the marginal gingiva, is detected. Also used to indicate defective restorative margins. Colored area of the probe is still completely visible.


Code 3 = colored area of the probe is only partly visible in at least one pocket of the sextant indicating a PPD between 3.5 mm and 5.5 mm.


Code 4 = colored area of the probe is not visible in at least one pocket of the sextant, indicating a PPD more than 5.5 mm.


Total count of teeth which are decayed, missing and filled (except third molars)

  1. CAL: clinical attachment level; DMF-T: decayed-missed-filled-teeth; GR: gingival recession; PBS: papilla bleeding score; PPD: probing pocket depth; PSI: periodontal screening index.