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Table 1 Search strategy in all databases

From: The prevalence of urinary tract infections in type 2 diabetic patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Searching strategy

Google Scholar

Diabetes "Type 2 diabetes" "Type 2 diabetes mellitus" prevalence outbreak urinary tract infection "cross sectional"

SID, MagIran, IranMedex, IranDoc

prevalence of UTI in type-2 diabetes patients

Cochrane, Embase

((((((((Type 2 diabetes [Title/Abstract]) OR Type 2 diabetes mellitus [Title/Abstract]) OR diabetes mellitus [Title/Abstract]) AND urinary tract infection [Title/Abstract]) OR UTI [Title/Abstract]) OR infection AND prevalence OR Period Prevalence OR Point Prevalence)))))))


(Type 2 diabetes [MeSH]) AND urinary tract infection) [Title/Abstract] OR

diabetes [Title/Abstract] OR

Type 2 diabetes [Title/Abstract] OR

Type 2 diabetes mellitus [Title/Abstract] OR

diabetes mellitus [Title/Abstract] AND

urinary tract infection [Title/Abstract] OR

UTI [Title/Abstract] OR water

infection [Title/Abstract]



diabetes OR Type 2 diabetes OR Type 2 diabetes mellitus OR

diabetes mellitus AND urinary tract infection OR UTI OR Infection


Type 2 diabetes mellitus "AND" urinary tract infection "OR

"Type 2 diabetes" OR "Type 2 diabetes mellitus "OR" diabetes mellitus" AND

"urinary tract infection" OR "UTA"


TI = (Type 2 diabetes OR Type 2 diabetes mellitus OR diabetes mellitus) AND TI = (prevalence OR outbreak) AND TI = (urinary tract infection OR UTI)