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Table 1 Clinical characteristics and outcome of patients undergoing DCS

From: Study of damage control strategy for non-traumatic diseases: a single-center observational study


n = 26

Age (years)

76 (47–88)

Male, n (%)

14 (53.8)



 Upper gastrointestinal perforation, n (%)

1 (3.8)

 Lower digestive tract perforation, n (%)

12 (46.2)

 Acute intestinal necrosis, n (%)

9 (34.6)

 Strangulation ileus, n (%)

3 (11.5)

 Others, n (%)

1 (3.8)

Dialysis history, n (%)

2 (7.7)

Diabetes history, n (%)

4 (15.4)

Taking steroid, n (%)

3 (11.5)

Preoperative SOFA score

7.5 (2–16)

Preoperative acute DIC scorea

3 (1–8)

Serum lactic acid level just before the end of surgery (mmol/L)

5.5 (2.3–15.6)

Septic shockb, n (%)

26 (100)

Fluid and blood transfusion volume during surgery (mL)

3473 (667–7844)

Use norepinephrine ≥ 0.2 μg/kg/min during surgery, n (%)

20 (76.9)

MAP at the start of surgery (mmHg)

68 (33–107)

MAP at the end of source control (mmHg)

65 (51–101)

28-day mortality, n (%)

3 (11.5)

  1. Categorical variables are expressed as median (interquartile range)
  2. DCS damage control surgery, SOFA sepsis-related organ failure assessment, DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation, MAP mean artery pressure
  3. aDiagnostic criteria for DIC established by the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
  4. bWhen the SOFA score rises by ≥ 2 points, condition requires vasopressor to maintain MAP ≥ 65 mmHg and serum lactate level > 2 mmol/L