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Fig. 4 | European Journal of Medical Research

Fig. 4

From: m1A Regulatory gene signatures are associated with certain immune cell compositions of the tumor microenvironment and predict survival in kidney renal clear cell carcinoma

Fig. 4

Correlation between immune cell infiltration and chemotherapy response; A Assessment of chemotherapy drug sensitivity was performed using Area Under the Curve (AUC) values derived from predictive modeling. The analysis was conducted for seven common chemotherapy drugs (Tanespimycin, ML162, BRD1835, 3-CIAHPC, ABT-737, BRD-K96431673, and Sotrastaurin), and patients were stratified based on their clustering profiles. The higher AUC values observed within specific clusters suggest a heightened resistance to certain chemotherapy drugs. B To explore the potential correlation between immune cell populations and drug response, Spearman's correlation analysis was conducted and represented as a heatmap. The heatmap illustrates the associations between immune cell infiltration and chemotherapy response, providing insights into the interplay between immune populations and drug efficacy. Notably, distinct immune cell types exhibited varying degrees of infiltration in response to different chemotherapy agents

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