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Fig. 7 | European Journal of Medical Research

Fig. 7

From: A hypoxia- and lactate metabolism-related gene signature to predict prognosis of sepsis: discovery and validation in independent cohorts

Fig. 7

Assessment of biological pathways related to the HLMRG signature. A Volcano plots showing differentially expressed genes between high and low risk in the discovery and validation sets. The screening criteria were set as adjusted P < 0.05 and | log2 (fold change) |≥ 1. B Expression profile of top 10 DEGs between high and low risk groups in the discovery and validation sets. C Venn diagram of intersected DEGs screened from the discovery and validation sets. D GO analysis of the identified DEGs. Top 10 significantly enriched terms related to Biological Processes, Cellular Components and Molecular Functions were shown. E Network plot showing relationships between the enriched terms. Nodes represent enriched gene sets that are grouped and annotated by their similarity according to related gene sets. Node size is proportional to the total number of genes within each gene set. Proportion of shared genes between gene sets is represented as the thickness of the connecting line between nodes

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