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Table 1 Different categories of OIP [1, 10, 11, 64,65,66]

From: Orbital inflammatory pseudotumor: new advances in diagnosis, pathogenesis, and treatment

Clinical classification

Typical clinical features

Imaging characters

Pathological features

Lacrimal gland

Local pain, tenderness, eyelid swelling

Enlargement of the lacrimal gland, periglandular tissue inflammatory reaction

Infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells, fibrous connective tissue hyperplasia

Sclera and adjacent tissue

Orbital pain, swollen eyelid, inflammation

Enlargement of the scleral uveal rim, blurring of the sclera margin and adjacent tissues


Extraocular muscles

Painful and restricted eye movement, diplopia

Diffuse enlargement of the extraocular muscles with blurred edges, especially the medial rectus

Muscle fiber expansion, mild endomysial fibrosis

Optic nerve sheath

Loss of visual, decreased color vision associate with pain

Enlarged optic nerve sheath, indistinct borders, and surrounding fatty infiltration
