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Fig. 5 | European Journal of Medical Research

Fig. 5

From: FANCD2 as a novel prognostic biomarker correlated with immune and drug therapy in Hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma

Fig. 5

A Sankey diagram about age, gender, pTNM stage, the expression of FANCD2 and the survival status of the patients. Each column represents a variable and the lines between columns represent correlations. The first column represents age and the second column represents gender. Based on the connecting line between the first and second columns, it can be seen that male patients predominate, whether among those older than 60 or younger than 60 years of age. The third column represents TNM staging, with the majority of male and female patients in TNM stage I. The fourth column shows that the expression of FANCD2, FANCD2 was mostly under-expressed in patients with TNM stage I, while in patients with TNM stage III, FANCD2 was mostly over-expressed. The fifth column represents the survival status of the patients, patients with high FANCD2 expression went to death more often than patients with low FANCD2 expression

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