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Fig. 1 | European Journal of Medical Research

Fig. 1

From: Adhatoda vasica and Tinospora cordifolia extracts ameliorate clinical and molecular markers in mild COVID-19 patients: a randomized open-label three-armed study

Fig. 1

Recruitment and randomization of the patients. 150 COVID-19 positive patients were enrolled in the clinical trial. We randomized 150 patients who met the inclusion criteria into Group A (n = 52), Group B (n = 51), and Group C (n = 47). 50, 43, and 43 patients in Group A, B, and C, respectively, completed the study. Among 150 patients, 14 patients (two, eight, and four from Group A, B, and C, respectively) were lost to follow-up. One patient from Group B completed the intervention and follow-up, but was not included in analysis for unavailability of post-treatment sample. The analysis of primary outcome was done on 136 patients, 50 in Group A, and 43 in each Group B, and C. The analysis of secondary outcome was done on a total of 67 patients who gave their blood samples at three timepoints Group A (n = 28), Group B (n = 19), and Group C (n = 20)

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