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Fig. 7 | European Journal of Medical Research

Fig. 7

From: Potential ‘anti-cancer’ effects of esketamine on proliferation, apoptosis, migration and invasion in esophageal squamous carcinoma cells

Fig. 7

Correlation analysis between ERCC6L, AHR and KIF2C with diagnostic performance, immune cell infiltration and clinicopathological characteristics ESCA patients. Diagnostic ROC curves to discriminate ESCA tissue from normal tissues based on the expression levels of ERCC6L (A), AHR (E) and KIF2C (I). Spearman’s correlation analysis between immune cell infiltration levels and expression levels of ERCC6L (B), AHR (F) and KIF2C (J) in the ESCA tissues. The correlation analysis between ERCC6L and KIF2C expression levels and clinical stages and age (C, D, K, L). The correlation analysis between AHR expression levels and races and BMI (G, H)

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