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Table 1 The applications of GFAP in diseases

From: Prediction of clinical progression in nervous system diseases: plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)


Research findings

GFAP applications in diseases

Animal models

Autoimmune GFAP astrocytopathy

The positive result of GFAP suggests this disorder, which may coexist with other antibodies (like NMDAR–IgG, AQP4–IgG) or meningitis (like TB)

Clinicians need to be aware of possible co-existence between GFAP astrocytopathy and other antibodies/meningitis



The more higher sGFAP level, the WHO grade of gliomas is more higher

sGFAP may be a rapid tool for the diagnosis and follow-up



GFAP reflects the disruption of astrocyte cytoskeleton and their activation in response to TBI

FDA has approved that a rapid blood test – GFAP/ UCH-L1 to aid the diagnosis of acute TII in mTBI patients

GFAP levels in serum and CSF both are elevated

Ischemic stroke

NIHSS at 24 h combined with either tau, NFL or GFAP at 48 h has an improved prediction

GFAP might be a key marker that can discriminate hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke; GFAP in the early setting after endovascular treatment of stroke will be used as a simplified and standardized way to estimate the range of damaged nervous tissue

GFAP released within 3–4 h following hemorrhagic stroke, while it released within 24–48 h post injury in ischemic stroke


Abnormal RF accumulation because ofdisease-causing GFAP aggregate accumulation leads to astrocyte dysfunction; aggregations of GFAP are deleterious to astrocytes and thus lead to subsequent white matter degeneration

The presence of RF Is a hallmark feature of AxD, and identifying this pathology is key to diagnosis of this condition

Mice with GFAP knockout or GFAP point mutations display a mild phenotype (with strain-dependent deficits in cognition and RF, astrogliosis, increased seizure susceptibility in pathology but without motor deficits and leukodystrophy)


The levels of GFAP increase and the GFAP-positive astrocytes proliferate in the brain of adult DS subjects

It provides a new insight into the plasticity potential of the brain by long-term voluntary running trains that positively affect the levels of GFAP and reduction of astrogliosis

Long-term voluntary running models reduce the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes and the levels of GFAP in the brain


The concentrations of blood GFAP consistently increases in a stepwise pattern from preclinical AD, through prodromal AD to AD dementia compared to CU individuals; the higher levels of plasma GFAP, the more accurate predictive value for risk of AD progression

High GFAP level is associated with the poorer outcomes in AD

DMF can inhibit the immunoreactivity of GFAP also is inactivation of astrocytes


The level of sGFAP parallels to the GFAP level in the CSF

A combination test of sGFAP, sNFL, and sUCH-L1 exhibits a specificity of 96.08% and a PPV of 94.60%



COV-Enc shows significantly higher CSF levels of glial-related markers such as GFAP, TREM2, and YKL-40 (P < 0.001) compared to HC, COV-Enc patients showed increased glial markers (GFAP, sTREM2, YKL-40) levels compared to ENC

GFAP has a significant predictive value in the prognosis of COVID-19 outcome



GFAP is higher in MS patients than controls, GFAP levels are higher in PMS versus RRMS

GFAP can be helpful to define people whether in disease stage and in discriminating different subtypes

GFAP can be helpful to define people whether in disease stage and in discriminating different subtypes

Neuropsychiatric disorders

GFAP levels in children with autism are almost three times higher than in the group of children without autism

GFAP as biomarker protein for neuropsychiatric disorders; the higher GFAP concentration could be regarded as a pivotal role in improving behavioral response of neuropsychiatric disorders

The IS group showed significant reduction in the protein and mRNA levels of GFAP, whereas the IS + EE group cultures exhibited significant increase in the levels of these stem cell markers

Acute CO poisoning

The serum level of GFAP is significantly high in the NS group in comparison to the non-NS group

Initial GFAP protein level in the early identification of patients can predict the risk of developing NS after acute CO poisoning


  1. NMDAR N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, IgG immunoglobulin G, AQP4 aquaporin-4, TB tuberculous, sGFAP GFAP in serum, TBI traumatic brain injury, UCH-L1 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1, mTBI mild traumatic brain injury, NFL neurofilament light, AxD Alexander disease, RF Rosenthal fibers, DS Down syndrome, AD Alzheimer disease, CU cognitively unimpaired, DMF dimethyl fumarate, sNFL serum Neurofilament light, sUCH-L1 serum ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1, PPV positive predictive value, COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019, COV-Enc COVID-19-related encephalitis, ENC Encephalitis, HC healthy controls, MS multiple sclerosis, PMS progressive MS, RRMS relapsing–remitting MS, IS immobilization stress, EE enriched environment, CO carbon monoxide; NS neuropsychiatric sequelae; / not available