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Fig. 5 | European Journal of Medical Research

Fig. 5

From: Identification of fibronectin type III domain containing 3B as a potential prognostic and therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer: a preliminary analysis

Fig. 5

Kaplan–Meier survival plots comparing with high and low FNDC3B expression in PC patients. A–C Survival curve of OS, DSS and PFI between high and low FNDC3B expression in PC patients. D–I OS survival curve of Radiation therapy: No, Gender: Male, Race: White, Age: ≤ 65, Histologic grade: G1, Anatomic neoplasm subdivision: Other. J–Q DSS survival curve of Radiation therapy: No, Primary therapy outcome: PR & CR, Gender: Male, Race: White, Age: ≤ 65, Residual tumor: R0, Histologic grade: G1, Anatomic neoplasm subdivision: Other. (R–Y) PFI survival curve of Radiation therapy: No, Primary therapy outcome: PR, Gender: Male, Race: White, Age: ≤ 65, Residual tumor: R0, Histologic grade: G1, Anatomic neoplasm subdivision: Other. DSS disease-specific survival, FNDC3B fibronectin type III domain containing 3B, OS overall survival, PC pancreatic cancer, PFI progression-free interval

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